In These Days ...

The season is turning here.  We've been choosing to use the heating at night, wearing boots outside because of the rain, warmer clothes because it's no longer Hot.  Sad that summer is probably over ...

Barbara flew in from Genova last week and we have been wandering.  Or to write that more accurately, we have been wandering and talking a lot.  Laughing too.  We had all kinds of possible plans but the days have simply unfolded instead.

Miss 10 has been spending time with us too.  They waved to me from the massive Ferris Wheel, outside of Central Station, yesterday ... as we made our way home from the city's Bollekesfeest.  The feest was disappointing in that to purchase anything you had to commit to a standing rugby scrum to reach counters.  I'm not really a rugby scrum kind of woman however I did manage to get us two sausages, and to find a small glass of Elixir d'Anvers for Barbara to taste.

I chose to wait until we reached Het Elfde Gebod (The Eleventh Commandment) for my glass of red wine. 

Today is another busy day here in the city and I shouldn't really be sitting here at all.  Just a hello from a very cool Antwerp.
