Island Life and Me ...

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It's an interesting life, here on the island ... 

I'm always searching for beauty, no matter where I am but here, it simply hits you square in the face.  I had stopped for one last pina colada, as I leave early next week and voila, this unfolded in front of me ... between torrential downpours.

It's clear my senses have been quite overwhelmed at times.  It's been a return to a more natural life, of bare feet, minimal clothing, fresh fruits and lagoon-swimming.   Torrential tropical downpours and humidity above 80%.  But more than that, the island has impacted me at a psychological level too.  There is nowhere to wander, and I have always wandered ... out of 'situations' and into the world.  

I understand that I couldn't stay here forever.  I have loved my time here.  It has been the most extraordinary privilege to find a job that would bring me here but ... I'm ready to leave now.

But first  ... the Saturday Market, with the Czaria.  
