Ilaria ... her story.

I recently met, and photographed, a remarkable young woman called Ilaria.  An 18 year old woman who lives with a rare genetic disorder called Friedreich's ataxia ... a disorder that requires more research that is currently happening. Research that requires funding, and so ... there is a Facebook page where you can donate for ongoing research, or sign up to attend fund-raising dinners, here in Genova.

I asked her to write of herself, so we could share her story with you.  She wrote:

Let me introduce myself: my name is Ilaria. I suffer from a rare disease caused by a genetic abnormality which inflicts progressive damage on my nervous system.  This damage will eventually lead to a loss of control of all the muscles in my body.

The abnormal gene was present at my birth however the disease was only diagnosed in August 2014.   Up until that moment, I played many sports, experiencing difficulties and frustration in certain exercises but taking part anyway.

My mood was often affected by those difficulties, and when my disease was finally diagnosed, I decided I did not want to see anyone anymore.

However time passed and I began to understand that, in order to move forward and overcome the difficulties created by Friedreich's Ataxia, I needed to react and fight. 

These days I am happy. I have made a decision to face the future with courage and determination. I have decided that each of us is different and that my genetic disorder is not a defect but a special feature. I need to be simply, and uniquely, myself.

That this disease should not be approached negatively but rather understood, accepted and, if possible, one day, defeated.  


Mi presento: il mio nome è Ilaria. Sono una ragazza affetta da una malattia rara, causata da un'anomalia genetica che comporta nel tempo un danno progressivo del sistema nervoso e di conseguenza una perdita del controllo su tutti i muscoli del corpo. Il gene anomalo esisteva fin dalla mia nascita ma la malattia fu diagnosticata soltanto nell'agosto 2014. Negli anni precedenti la diagnosi ho praticato numerose attività sportive notando però alcune difficoltà, specialmente svolgendo determinati esercizi. Molto spesso subivo crolli di morale e appena scoperta la malattia decisi di non vedere più nessuno. Successivamente mi resi conto che per andare avanti e superare qualsiasi difficoltà, è necessario reagire e lottare. Adesso sono serena con me stessa e sempre sorridente. Affronto la vita con coraggio e determinazione. Vado avanti con la consapevolezza che ognuno di noi è diverso da tutti gli altri. Nessuno è uguale a nessuno. Il mio non è un difetto ma una particolarità. Non devo adeguarmi a nessuno. Io sono semplicemente ed unicamente io. La malattia non deve essere affrontata negativamente ma anzi, deve essere combattuta, compresa, accettata e se possibile, un giorno, sconfitta.


Raffaele Kohler ...!!!

Yesterday ... M.U.R.A was happening, here in the centro storico, in Genova.

It was fantastic!  I kid you not.  They promised 2 days, 16 hours, 30 locations and 40 events.  

I don't know if they kept their promises but I can only presume they did because ... the quality of the artists performing was so high that there was no way to see and hear everyone.  I wanted to linger and listen everywhere I went.

I heard Raffaele Kohler, play trumpet at a concert a few years ago, here in Genova.  I never forgot being completely stunned by his performance then and had looked for his CD.  I didn't find one.  I have one this time.  Grazie mille.

And the delicious thing is that he's not just musician but he's an entertainer too.  He's hilarious, if the audience response to his stories was anything to go by.  Then there were scenes like the one above ...

It felt like he gave us his all during the two hours of free concert out in Piazza Lavagna...

But wait, he was part of a trio and honestly, the other two were truly superb musicians too ... it's only that I wanted, so much, to hear him perform again that I am so focused on the delight I felt in catching his performance.

Ottavo Richter gifted us two hours of beautiful music, laughter and joy really.  

Grazie mille to M.U.R.A for organising this beautiful 16 hours, and for finding so many talented artists.  It was a magical night, one where I wandered alone until midnight.  

And, finally, I got to hear  Raffaele Kohler play again.

This City ... ! I Love It.

I find Genova quite the magic city.  I suspect I could go walking here, every single day, and find something quietly exquisite.

Sometimes it's an object, other times it's the light.  

I had never noticed this part of the fountain before.  And I have photographed the fountain, so many times.  It was the light I think.

I saw the reflection first, then climbed up onto the edge of the fountain and chased the image created by the buildings in reflection.

There were more ... 

Small Glimpses from the City

Life ebbs and flow, here in Genova, Italy.  I live with a very mixed amount of pleasure and challenge. 

The pleasure is surely all about going out with my camera, exploring this city I've been exploring for 8 years , and finding new ways to capture it.

Everyday scenes ...

The challenges ... well, I'm not quite ready to blog of most of them yet.  One pressing concern is the fact that my camera is full of dirt and it's a problem that will be time-consuming and costly to repair.  It has never been serviced.

I'm an early morning woman in this world, and it's okay.  Slowly locating my places, favourite cafes for my coffee, favourite walks for my soul.

The clouds were impressing me yesterday.  I climbed the hill and found this ...

You can see why I love it here, can't you ... 

After the Storm ... Genova

On my Love Notes to Genoa Facebook page, I wrote: 'Today, as I wandered the centro storico with my camera, I understood something. People don't photograph the world reflected in puddles because they understand ... they would seem insane.

Mmmhmmm, but it is, quite often, a beautiful way of seeing the world. A storm passed through this afternoon and left behind some beautiful puddles.'

I love this city reflected, after rain.  The tiles on the pavements often create something quite magical.

And then there are the gaps in the ancient stones ...

It was a good day.  A rather exquisite 24 hours, actually.

My Genova Life ... 24 hours.

Yesterday, I was invited to Imperia ... to the Imperia Vintage Yacht Challenge.

I cannot begin to tell you how much I loved that.  Temple Perrotta invited a group of us up to her home, had organised a boat trip that allowed us to be out there among the boats, and watch fireworks from her balcony ... after a lovely dinner down in the village.

I had octopus for dinner.  It was divine.  It was probably of the best meals I've ever eaten.  I would go back to Imperia, more than 100kms from Genova, just for the octopus.  It was like that ... 

I woke at 8am today, after a 2am bedtime, but fell back into bed and slept until 10am.  It delighted me.  It's so rare I manage to sleep in.

We had a storm here today.  An impressive one.  Huge explosions of thunder rolled around above the city, causing the Genoa versus Florence football match to be suspended, once the rain arrived.

I went wandering, towards the end of the downpour ... my camera and I. We found beautiful things, of course.. 

This umbrella was just lying there, spotted as I passed by an alleyway, down near the port.  I backed up, looked around, dug my camera out and played with the light some.

It has been a truly superb 24 hours.