Club La Claque, Genova

I love Genova. It's a city of secrets that can be difficult to find but they are so stunningly intense when discovered.

Friday night, Barbara invited me out to Club La Claque and for just 15 euro we were able to listen to Stefano Marelli sing with the truly talented trumpet player, Raffaele, accompanying him.  I would love to hear more of their music. 

Then came Marina Rei and her magnificent band and they played until midnight.  I can't even begin to describe her performance.  She drums as she sings, plays keyboards too, and her voice is divine.  Finding a youtube performance that begins to capture her is difficult.

Walking back through the city after midnight, some Palestinian/Syrian guys were giving the most delicious impromptu musical performance I've seen.  Somehow they radiated joy and pulled all those passing by into their circle of music. I ended up talking to their friend from Lebanon for a while.

So ... Friday was just another beautiful night here in Genova.

Gate-Climbing ...

It began harmlessly enough ... gate-climbing as soon as I worked out the 'how' of it. 

Another memory from long ago, quiet excitement ... a gap in the hedge that surrounded my childhood home.  They closed that up pretty quickly once they realised how I was slipping away.

Me and my trike, then my bike, traveled far and wide ... or as far as my lazy legs would carry me.  Then came the car and that seemed like the best freedom so far, until I flew over to Istanbul.  And zipped off to Rome.  Then ended up in Belgium, discovered France, Holland and every place else in Europe was easily reachable.

'Gate-climbing' on steroids.

Then Genova, Italy.  That place I keep on returning to ... since 2008.  That exquisitely ancient city surrounded by beautiful hills and the sea. 

These days I can wander where ever I want but I keep returning.

I'm flying this week. 

14 days in that city I love ...

Listening to The Sweet Remains these days, specially Ghost in the Orange Blossom Air.

A Glimpse ...

It seems long past time I stopped and wrote of my summertime stay in Genova ... back when I met Massimo and Roberta while staying in their beautiful Air BnB. 

I think they told me that it had once been the room of a servant.  It was located in a massive old building in the ancient heart of the city and had its own kitchen and everything else you might want too. 

The renovations had created an exquisite space.

A glimpse ...

In the Quiet Time ...

I'm resting these days.  Not lolling about in bed but taking it easy, staying at home ... living quietly. 

And it's been interesting for me to see what has risen to the surface.  I have had no heart for real work, instead I've been content to read good books, sort through all those unsorted photo folders, and keep the house clean.

I usually go out on the bike once a day, just to the supermarket, respecting my body's needs ... just for a change.  I've stopped coffee, tea and red wine.  And I'm not eating anything I know my body can't tolerate. 

I'm quiet.

The photograph.  I missed it somehow.  I have a particular fascination with Genova's fountain in Piazza De Ferrari.  The image was yet another slice of the fountain.